TO KILL A MAN çddf,faa,afa,aaf,faf,ffa,aff ¢ TO KILL A HUMAN ¼ By Lionheart / RAZOR 1911 ¹ The warm and old air struck him in the face as he woke up. His head was pounding and stomach revolting. He could'nt remember anything from yesterday and the flat was a fine mess. It seemed like there had been a party here last night but he did'nt care much. He tried to sqweece down a sandwhich but it came up just as quickly. After taking a shower he went over to school. It was a fine day here in east L.A and not as many smoking buildings as there usually whould be. The class had started as he entered, without even looking at the teacher he went to his chair and sat down. Falling to sleep almost at once. He heard a noice and stood up, holding on to the chair to prevent the fainting glimmers in his mind. The school seemed empty and he went out to see what was going on. Outside the school there were some gangmembers hanging around. Then somebody came up to him and said . " Hey Billy boy! Wanna go for a ride ? "Suddenly Billy saw the 357 Colt Python he had pointing towards his chest. Bang! " Hey man ! Wake up Billy.. Can't be hanging around this place all day. The room was empty as far as he could ¶see. The only guy who was there was Ricky, a 17 year old boy who used to hang out with the Hoowers gang. Ricky went out and Billy followed. Ricky went to his locker and said. " Hey Billy! Wanna take a look at this?". And he showed him a gun and said. "Take it!" Billy took it and asked " What is it?". "It's a 9mm Glock 17, it's for your own protection"."Don't you need it?". "Naa! I've already got a Ingram Mac 10 so I can smoke every fucking nigger who's trying to pop me.!" Billy left and went down town. Looking for something to do he went into a licker store and bought a bottle of whisky. The clerk stood behind the counter counting his money. Wow! You should really rob one of these places if you wanna get some really fast cash. Billy thought while walking out from the store. He went down to check out the movies. The only movie going at the moment was an old action movie with the big hero on a huge poster outside on the wall. After a while of reconsidering he went inside the cinema and got himself a nice seat . After 10 minutes of the movie Billy fell asleep.Dreaming about shooting somebody,it was a scary dream and when Billy woke up he was soaked with sweat. After the movie he went home to take a shower and to get something to eat. ¶He made some eggs and fried some bacon and the meal was ready. He ate with a lot of appetite and the whole time he wondered how it would be to kill a man. At about 8 Am, Ricky came by and they sat down and drank quite a lot. Ricky wanted to go to a party and off they were. Billy sat into his car drunk as he was. Driving down the street and suddenly recalling that he did'nt have any money. And suddenly suggesting that they should rob a licker store. Five minutes later they stood outside the licker store and getting ready for the big heist. Ricky went in first with the gun in the air pointed at the clerk. The clerk did not even have time to say anything before the Sub - Machine gun talked. The thumbing sound of 9mm hits in the human body made Billy feel sick but after the first 10 shots he started to get normal. Ricky went for the cash while. Billy covered the door with his new gun . He saw a woman coming across the street and he thought " Please don't come in here." The woman opened the door to the store and there she stood. Eye to eye with a 17 year old boy with a gun in his hands. The first hit took in the side, right through the liver and out through the ¶back. The second bullet took right below the left breast, smashing through a lounge and crushing the spine making the hole in the back huge as a tennis ball. The woman stood stunned for a second, he could see a sign of suprise in her eyes before she fell on the cold floor. Billy stood still thinking. He was wondering how it would be to kill another human. Now that he knows he does'nt want to know anymore. ² THE END